20. Notebook + Quiz: Your Turn - Part II


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Use the results of your linear regression model to match the following descriptions to the correct values.




For every 100% increase in crime per capita, the expected decrease in the median home price is _ dollars.

If there was no crime, we would expect the median home price to be __ dollars.

__% of the variability in price can be explained by the crime per capita.

The p-value of __ associated with crime per capita suggests that it is statistically significant in providing information in predicting the median home values.




For every 100% increase in crime per capita, the expected decrease in the median home price is _ dollars.

__% of the variability in price can be explained by the crime per capita.

If there was no crime, we would expect the median home price to be __ dollars.

The p-value of __ associated with crime per capita suggests that it is statistically significant in providing information in predicting the median home values.

Real data is a bit messier, but can you tell based on your results from the linear model and your scatterplot what the value of the correlation coefficient should be? Mark your answer below.

SOLUTION: -0.386